Most people get this wrong and toss out the can. The right way to read ‘Best By’ or ‘Best Before’ dates

Understanding “Best By” Labels on Canned Foods

“Best by” labels on canned products, like corn, green beans, and tuna, indicate when the food is at its peak quality, not an expiration date. These foods can often be safely consumed well past the labeled date if stored properly.

Canned Corn and Green Beans: Canned corn and green beans can last 1-2 years beyond the “best by” date when stored in a cool, dry place. However, expect “gradual quality and flavor changes” over time.

Canned Tuna: Canned tuna, known for its versatility, remains safe for 3-5 years past the “best by” date with proper storage. Still, “anticipate some quality degradation” after prolonged storage.

Safety First: Always check cans for damage, such as “bulging, rust, or leaks,” and dispose of any with unusual odors or appearance.

Storage Tips: Store cans in a “cool, dry, and dark environment,” keep them upright, and use a rotation system to maximize shelf life. Transfer unused portions to a sealed container and refrigerate.

This guide helps you make the most of your canned goods while ensuring safety and quality.

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